The privacy and security of our volunteer models are our utmost priority.
One word of caution to our users who might be inclined to try and find out the identity of a model: Don't do it.
The act of asking a person who you know to have participated in this project is a violation of their privacy. Do not do this! And should you ignore this rule and do so anyway, don't be suprised by the answer you get. We're certain you won't like it. Please, be respectful!
Each of our models must sign our model release contract, that spells out clearly what the model's rights and the company's obligations are. If you're curious about the details, click the link above and read the contract yourself.
The key points in the contract:
The photos that are taken of the models have been destroyed and are not online, never were. The only digital files that remain of the original project are all available in our GitHub page.
All of our models have been released under the Creative Commons CC0 dedication, which rescinds all copyright over the models and places them into the public domain. Once the model files are released and users have downloaded them, it is impossible to take the models back from the public. We've made this clear to our human models when signing the contract. However, models can rescind the permission for us to host the models on our site and for us to retain the raw 3D models.
Also, we're compliant with the GDPR. The only personally identifying data we have for our models is secured offline and will never be online. The exact method by which we process the user's data and the process for how to rescind permission is laid out in the model release contract. Our site does require a login/registration to download the models and we use only one cookie to remember wether you prefer to load pages with images blurred or not. We do not want your private information! Our servers will log and retain your IP address for up to 30 days and then discard it. We only store IP addresses for a week in order to help troubleshoot issues with our traffic and/or our servers. Your IP addresses will never be sold or shared with anyone.